Showing posts with label suicide. Show all posts
Showing posts with label suicide. Show all posts

Saturday, December 23, 2017

Shift the Holiday Part 2: 20 Tips for Self Care & Meditation

The holidays is not always a joyous one for many. Thinking about all of those individuals.

Let us be mindful of our friends, family members, or neighbors who may be suffering in silence and may we all lend a hand for a shoulder for them to lean on during these difficult times.

This video was inspired by personal and professional experiences and events.  I am a trauma survivor and have learned a lot through my own journey and growth throughout the years.  My goal is to share what I have learned with you in hopes to guide you to wholeness.

This was a live video feed of part 2 of 2: "Shift the Holidays"- 20 Tips for Self Care - Closing Meditation Hope you will join us.

For "Shift The Holidays - Part 1 - Perspective, 5 Calls to Actions, Closing Meditation", Click here:

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With love and appreciation,
Healing With Spirit